Review of Staircase

Staircase (1969)
Why Was This Movie Ever Made?
3 July 2007
Finally caught this curio the other night on TCM. What a dreadful, depressing mess. I know it was a play, but what were the producers thinking? That anyone would flock to this depressing, repetitive bitchfest? Worth seeing only for the curiosity factor of Rex Harrison and Richard Burton playing 2 middle aged queens living together and hating each other in some London slum (though filmed in Paris) There is not one witty line or any sense of affection or reason why these 2 bitter losers stayed together for so long. The film goes nowhere. Nothing but arguments and constant bickering. Harrison gets a court notice for doing drag, but the movie ends before they ever get to court. A meeting with his adult daughter is brought up, but that plot point is dropped also. Burton does bring some dignity to his role and I think came off better than Harrison. The low point comes when Harrison picks up and brings home some ugly, aging prostitute. Kudos to Kathleen Nesbitt who scores in a degrading part as Burton's bedridden mother. Hard to believe Stanly Donen directed this bore. This has to be the nadir of his career. Any young gay person seeing this in 1969 would've been driven to thoughts of suicide (this is what's in store for me?) had they taken this story seriously. Thankfully few people paid to see it. Giving it a three, only because of the weird casting. Good luck if you can sit through it till the end!
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