TrashHouse (2005)
Very good idea
5 July 2007
If you like low budget horror films, then you will probably like this film. You can tell the budget is low in parts, but the idea and the story are very inventive. Overall, I really liked this film. The main actress was very good. Some of the acting from other cats members was a bit dodgy, but isn't that part of the fun of watching B movies? It is for me anyway. I thought the idea of dropping in the scenes with the two security guards every now and then was great, and they actually provided some of the funniest bits of the film. With a slightly bigger budget, this film could have been much better, mainly as the idea behind the film could have been portrayed with better visuals, i.e. when the people in the house are in their rooms, a bigger budget would have allowed for possibly expanding this a little. Having said that, I loved the simplicity of the guy whose fantasy it was just to shag birds. You don't need effects for that.
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