The Comedians (1967)
As time goes by.....history is repeated.
8 July 2007
This movie has such a marvelous cast and a very moving love affair between the two leading characters and real life couple but the plot is so similar to "Casablanca"'s.See: dictatorship,immigrants,the two secret lovers,the poor husband,the underground the separation even the plane in the end.Obviously Mr.Greene should be a great "Casa" fan that he was deeply influenced.As far as the direction goes it's good but nothing really special though very realistic with some very good shots. Burton and Taylor gave a very passionate performance since during that period there were this way in real life.Alec Guinness made the twist with this very interesting character of "Jones".and i suppose that's all folks,watch the movie (or better observe it) and recall elements of Casablanca.Am I wrong?
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