The Hitcher (2007)
Aww...My brain hurts
9 July 2007
I'm sorry, but I don't know if this review makes any sense because I believe that I'm now mentally challenged. Dave Meyers did have a lot of money and a horror film classic that he wanted to remake. He gave the task to write this remake to a retarded giraffe who thought he is Napoleon reborn. The giraffe wrote the script and left into it these vast plot canyons, so that it is impossible to believe most of the things that are happening in this movie. We should all remember that you cannot make a horror movie if it doesn't have any intensity, and real reactions and plausible situations create the intensity in a horror movie. So if there is an axemurderer and all of a sudden you see dwarfs dancing ballet with elves..well..are you scared ? I give you two options that describe this movie very well. If you are chased by Michael Myers and you can a) go hide in a closet or b) join the posse of 20 cops in broad daylight, which one of these options do you think this movie picks for it's actors ? This is utter garbage, a symphony for wasting money in s*it.

And I'll give it one star because with that kind of money and that kind of original story it is a blasphemy to direct stuff like this.
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