Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars: Part Three (1975)
Season 13, Episode 11
"All life is my enemy, all life will perish under the reign of Sutekh the destroyer!" Classic Doctor Who.
11 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars: Part 3 starts as the Doctor (Tom Baker) realises that time is running out if he wants to prevent the trapped Sutekh (Gabriel Woolf) from freeing himself & destroying the Earth. Along with Sarah Jane's (Elisabeth Sladen) help he plans to blow the missile up which is going to be sent to Mars, however things don't work out as planned & the only other option is to face Sutekh himself...

Episode 11 from season 13 this Doctor Who adventure was originally aired here in the UK during November 1975, directed by Paddy Russell it is widely regarded as one of Tom Baker's best stories. The script by Lewis Griefer & Robert Holmes under the pseudonym Stephen Harris has moved along at a nice enough pace, it has effectively mixed horror & sci-fi themes together although as the plot has progressed it has tended to lean towards the sci-fi angle more than the horror side of things & overall it's been an enjoyable story that's made even better because of the always fabulous Tom Baker & Elisabeth Sladen perhaps my favourite pairing of Doctor & companion. This one seems to have killed virtually all of it's human character's off which feels a bit odd but there you go, in fact there hasn't been many human character's in Pyramids of Mars although that isn't necessarily a problem in itself.

The special effects have been kept to a minimum here with the Mummies, some multi coloured time vortex portal thing which looks cheesy & one of those poor model shots where an explosions happens & the flames are huge! The being obviously that you can't miniaturise fire so it looks out of proportion. Still their not too bad though & they don't distract from the story. We get to see Sutekh as well in this episode & I have to say I think he looks pretty good & makes for a suitably menacing Doctor Who monster.

Pyramids of Mars: Part 3 is another good episode in this great story, I'd have liked to have seen the horror angle flow right the way through all four parts but nothings perfect, right?
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