Love Island (1952)
Aside from curiosity, there is no sane reason to see this film
14 July 2007
This film is in the public domain, meaning those who made the film didn't bother to renew the copyright. And, considering that it is one of the dullest, stupidest and most worthless films ever made, its public domain status should come as no surprise!

Despite it being an absolute horror, there were two reasons why I saw it. First, I actually like bad movies. I don't mean that I like pain or boredom, but I like films that are so bad they are funny (such as PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE or ROLLER BOOGIE). Unfortunately, this one just turned out to be bad--and not in a good way! Second, when I found out that it starred Eva Gabor (the "nice" Gabor sister and star of GREEN ACRES), I was just so curious I had to see it--especially when I saw she was cast as a Balinese islander! Think about it--this lovely Hungarian with a very thick accent, cast as a primitive South Seas island girl!

After seeing this horror of a film, I wonder why Ed Wood got so much publicity as "the worst director in history", as this movie was much worse and pointless than PLAN 9 or any of Wood's other "masterpieces". Why do I say that? Well, look at LOVE ISLAND--a Hungarian actress, lousy sets and lots and lots of long and boring home movies or documentary footage of Balinese dancers. These dancer segments were very long and pointless and were inserted rather randomly to film time, as the movie without them would probably have only been about 45 minutes long! And all during these dances, Ms. Gabor narrates and describes what they are doing--sort of like what Aunt Minnie would do when she's showing footage she took from her last vacation!

So who is the winner with this film? Certainly NOT Eva, as her acting was terrible and the film was god-awful. Certainly NOT the audience, as they watched this crap. However, the real winner is Zha Zha, as the wretchedness of this film greatly overshadowed her own embarrassing bad film performance in QUEEN OF OUTER SPACE!

By the way, there is one bright spot in this film. Lt. Taber sings a song in the film that is not rotten, as the actor(?) Paul Valentine had a pleasant voice. Otherwise, he was a horrible actor and the overall effort is still wretched.
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