Oliver's Travels (1995– )
excellent series
14 July 2007
I finally got the chance to purchase a copy of this wonderful series on DVD. I had a taped copy of the PBS airing which I had watched over and over again. Now with the dvds I can watch it as much as I want without getting afraid the tape would wear out.

OLIVER'S TRAVELS is the story of two smart, funny and beautiful people (Alan Bates and Sinead Cusack) who meet while in the pursuit of a murder mystery. The repartee between the two is delicious. The acting is so good that you don't want the story to end.

These are probably two of the best actors from the UK. Just watch their faces when they are interacting and you'll know what I mean. And Sinead Cusack's quirky little smile just gets to me every time.

My favorite scene: their wedding vows at the cathedral. My favorite lines: Diane - Why did you get divorced?

Oliver - She said I never listened.

Diane - Was she right?

Oliver - I wasn't listening.

If you ever get the chance run, don't walk, to get a copy of the DVDs.
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