pretty amusing spoof of the Dracula legend
15 July 2007
this is a pretty good send up of the Dracula lore. the basic premise is that Dracula ends up being evicted from his castle in Transylvania and decides to relocate to New York to be with his true love,even if she doesn't know it.the most amusing aspect of this movie is George Hamilton as the count.George Hamilton is a perpetually tanned person and in the movie,he is also tanned.picture Count Dracula,who is supposed to be deathly pale with a dark tan.that's a pretty funny picture.then,we have the count in New York who is like a fish out of water.there are some some very funny lines in this movie,mainly owing to the count not being familiar with the language and customs of a modern city.Susan Saint James plays the love interest Cindy Sondheim and is quite funny in her role.the character of Renfield is also very funny,but it is Richard Benjamin as the count's rival for Cindy's affections and adversary who steals the show with his scenes.the humour in this movie is not the tears streaming down your face kind.it's more droll and wry,but it works.the movie moves at good clip and maintains interest throughout.i especially liked how the actors manage to have a deadpan delivery for their silly lines.basically,i liked this movie quite a bit.it's certainly worth 90 minutes to 2 hours of time.i give "Love at First Bite" a 7/10
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