Spiders (2000)
Very enjoyable for a low-budget film
21 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Spiders (2000, Dir. Gary Jones) A DNA experiment on a rare breed of spider is taking place on a NASA space shuttle, when a freak meteor shower engulfs the shuttle, causing everything to go horribly wrong. One survivor is found on the ship and watched over in a secret location deep in the California desert. The problem continues, as the survivor isn't alone, as another deadly spiders climbs out of him and goes on a rampage around the ship. Curious reporter Marci Eyre must now survive, escape and warn everyone before the spider reaches outside the desert.

When i purchased this movie for 99p (in UK), i wasn't expect a great movie. Normeally these movies have bad effects, bad acting and a terrible script, but i was totally surprised about this film. 'Spiders' is an enjoyable film from start to finish. Naturally the story isn't original and there are a few cheesy lines, but overall the script had a nice twist. The acting was actually very good and quite professional for this film. The special effects wasn't the best, and seemed flawed in a few places, such as the spider changing sizes, but it's not the worse. There are a few scenes which look wonderful on film, particularly the spider flipping the car. Overall, this is a wonderful film to watch, but i should add something. If you want a shorter version of the film, then watch the trailer (well, at least the trailer on the DVD), as the trailer reveals everything, including the deaths. Enjoy

"'Mother-in-law' is in the building." - Agent Gray (Mark Phelan)
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