Rush Limbaugh (1992–1996)
Never a good format
23 July 2007
Though he had funny bits, especially videos from the viewers, he kept trying to make it a television version of his radio show which just didn't work. He never blamed the liberals for his failing, but that he had to market the show in syndication which meant no one could watch at the same guaranteed time. He mentioned that repeatedly on radio. For a current events show, you really need one standardized time when all your news is in by and you can give comments on. When I first saw the show it was directly after our local news. Then the next year it was after Letterman. The next year it was after whoever went after Letterman(though I could get a channel that had the show on at 1030). Trying to make sure your editorials are up to date when Nightline has already been aired is difficult on the broadcast stations, even more so in syndication.
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