Review of Milagro

The X-Files: Milagro (1999)
Season 6, Episode 18
Eat your heart out!
24 July 2007
Milagro. This is an interesting episode. While Scully is the main focus of the episode we get yet another episode where there is a strange creepy guy that Scully gets woo'ed by. I quite enjoy scenes where they have voice-over of what the author is writing to narrate Scully's emotions and thoughts. Very interesting. I also like the actor that plays Padgett. While this episode is a little slower than I am used to I have to say that overall I still enjoyed the story. It only loses 2 points for slowness. Oh one other thing. Is it just me or does every single Scully-falls-for-a-psycho-killer-man episode end with a furnace? Anyway 8 out of 10.

Addendum: After watching some of the interviews on the X-Files: Revelations compilation which this episode was included on, I have gained a deeper appreciation for this episode. Frank Spotnitz explains a little more about the deep relationship that a writer tends to develop with his character's. He talks about his own experiences with Mulder and Scully and how he viewed them as real people a lot of the time. This episode was an attempt to turn that idea into an X-File episode. In a sense, Padgett's obsession with Scully represents Spotnitz's own feelings.
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