Review of Coupling

Coupling (2003)
Oy VEH, this was bad!
26 July 2007
I was pretty dubious when I heard that there was going to be a US remake of Coupling, but I figured, "Oh, what the heck? How bad could it be?" I should know better to say that in the country that invented Fox News and "The Simple Life."

It wasn't just that the sets were kinda cheesy. It wasn't just that they copied the script word-for-word. No, it was that the actors were totally unconvincing. Truly awful. {sigh}

Spoken English English is in iambic pentameter. Spoken American English is in iambic quadrameter. English English scripts spoken by Americans don't sound right because the tones are wrong. That'd have been easy to find out if anyone had listened to it. But this brings us back around to the question of why on earth they used the same script. If you wanted to hear the original script, why not just license the original show and save yourself all that money?

I cannot believe that they didn't screen-test this somehow. The sounds of people in the test audiences eating their own left feet out of desperation would have given them a hint that something was wrong.

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