Review of Jamaica Inn

Jamaica Inn (1983 TV Movie)
a quality & gripping surprise
1 August 2007
I hired this to complete a bunch of videos that were on a special rate for multiple hires & it turned out to be the best! I hadn't heard of it, or since! So it was very personal journey I was led on.

The movie has an intriguing atmosphere that appeals to the curiosity of the observer, with quality production & a suspenseful plot. The scenery is isolating & desolate but beautiful in lush raw landscapes, much like our individual journeys through life, far different, but too, similar & parallel in many ways! The acting was fine by me & this lengthy movie took me on a journey I was not expecting to be so fully engrossed into.

Yet years later, when I watched the copy of it I made long ago, before returning the hired original video & the movie was much forgotten, I found myself absorbed again into its drama & atmosphere, & watched it 3 or 4 times. And though I haven't seen it since in a busy life, the journeys it took me on, grew the more alive.

When I have watched anything from Robert Louis Stevenson adaptations to Johnny Depp's "Sleepy Hollow", I am reminded of this gem that seems to have been too much neglected or passed over, by myself & the world at large.

"Jamaica Inn" is a passport into a surreal world that in 3 hours, we may each explore & learn from a world in isolation but far from alone, that the broader world denies us access to! Take a step, & you will find so much more!
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