5 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Unbelievably baaaaad movie. The plot would have made an okay 1/2 hour Twilight Zone episode, but to drag it out into movie length and shower it with such amateurish production values was nearly unforgivable. From the first 10 minutes I knew where this movie was going, and 20 minutes in I'd guessed the "surprise" twist that was coming. Why any alien lifeform would want to imitate these particular humans was beyond me. I appreciate that the cast was inexperienced, and just much too inexperienced to have made this movie.

It's easy to see that it was shot in a week and a half. I think that's how long they gave the art director to design the sets. Come on....black plastic garbage bags spread across every surface do NOT create the look of a futuristic alien habitat! Okay as a beginner or film school project, that's about it.
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