Who Wants To Sit Through This Kind Of Stuff?
13 August 2007
I'll grant you this might have been an interesting true-life story, but that doesn't mean it was an entertaining "documentary"" and worth watching. The Jerry Springer Show might be entertaining but if it is so degrading, profane and just plan ugly, who would watch it? Not me.

That's how I felt about this film. This is just plain too ugly to watch. By the way, beware of those labels about "true story" because films are often manipulated to work to the filmmaker's agenda by cutting footage he doesn't want you to see.

You get the gist of this story in the first 20 minutes, a real picture of these guys who many will assume, with their elitist attitudes, live down South somewhere. Well, it's in New York State.

Regardless, who wants to listen to backwards hillbillies from a small town repeat the same things over and over and over, including a bunch of profanity in their ignorant speech? That's entertainment? No, it is not. Watching a pig get killed is entertainment? I think not. Incest and other fun topics all discussed? No thanks.

No, this is one documentary that is too sordid and too unpleasant to watch. Did I finish it? No, to be honest, I did not....and don't regret it.
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