Lavish production which ultimately fails to excite.
14 August 2007
This film is usually known by the title of Graham Greene's novel on which it is based – 'England Made Me'. However it also has an alternative title of 'Rape of the 3rd Reich'. And that is perhaps more indicative of what this film is about – the lives of several 'ordinary' people in Germany a few years prior to WW2, being affected by the increasing power of the Nazi party all around them.

The central character is Anthony Farrant played by archetypal Englishman Michael York. His sister Kate played by Hildegarde Neil, works for a rich but ruthless and cynical German industrialist Erich Krogh (Peter Finch) in Germany. Having left England for new challenges Anthony meets up with his sister (initially in France) and she then secures him a job in Krogh's company. Anthony later forms a relationship with an English woman he meets in Germany – Liz Davidge – played by 'English Rose' (and famously U.K D.J. Tony Blackburn's ex-wife) Tessa Wyatt. Anthony also forms a friendship with journalist 'Minty', superbly acted as a 'slob' character by Michael Hordern. Anthony sometimes tells the journo perhaps too much – at a time when the Nazis were seeking control of the press – and this forms the basis for the later scenarios in the movie. The final key character is Haller (Joss Ackland); he works as Krogh's right-hand man and plays a central role in scenes towards the end of the film.

This is clearly a lavish production, the photography and sets are superb, and the film budget must have been extensive. The movie also contains a raft of stars. But ultimately it disappoints. The plot often moves forward too slowly (and wavers) and some of the dialogue is cliché-ridden. In my view this movie represents a wasted opportunity – much more could have been made of Greene's novel than this. It's difficult to work out just why it fails to deliver – I note that it was made in Belgrade in the early 70s; perhaps the regime there would not allow the production team the freedom they wanted? It's still a viewable film but don't expect the epic that the cast, budget and BAFTA-nomination might suggest.
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