Montana Sky (2007 TV Movie)
14 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
**** Spoilers ****

Nice little movie, but I have several issues with it.

* Mixing a chick-flick and a thriller does not work. Obviously too little time to in depth develop both plots.

* Two psychopathic killers are a little too much and way too implausible for a movie that is primarily a female buddy movie.

* The family pet gets killed. I knew Charlie was toast when I saw that first cattle killed by a psycho and that over-long dog-human thing between him and Lily. I would finally love to see a thriller again where the family pet ain't killed. It is predictable and boring.

* Both whackos are disposed of in exactly the same way. They should have come up with something better. But why 2 independently acting psychopaths in the first place???

* Character development implausible and forced. Why exactly is Willa all a sudden falling in love with this Ben guy? And why is the strumpet-sister interested in the wooden Sheriff?

* Characters chlichéd.

* Behavior implausible: For three women who are beset by two psychopathic killers, have employees and pets killed and find their remains, are abducted etc. the characters are extremely unconcerned. Willa finds the corpse of the slain farmhand and in the next scene's just looking neutral or slightly smiling.????

* Another plot-hole as an example: Psychopathic killers roam the property and nobody arms himself (Willa occasionally carries a lever action gun, Ben doesn't until the plot needs it and drops it into his hands from heaven) or hires security guards or obtains direct protection by law enforcement. All they do is tell each other to be careful while they sit around on an outlying farm, waiting for the next victim to discover. Sheesh ...

The movie is not bad, but it ain't worth your time when you're short of it. I continued watching only because Ashley Williams looks cute with a cowboy hat. But they finally lost me when that second psycho half-brother popped up out of nowhere.
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