Grant & Lee Battle On
15 August 2007
The year 1864 marks the fourth year of this horrible war. Pictures sent depicting some of it are so horrendous people can't look at them. They show one here, and you'd swear this was a photo of someone in a concentration camp in World War II. The man was nothing but skin and bones. Horrifying. The more was learns of the Civil War, the worse it gets.

Grant now had command of the largest army in the world. His rank had grown to "Lt. General," the first since George Washington. We get a profile of his amazing rise from loser in society to the leader of the North military. Then we get a profile of the most military leader of the them all: General Robert E Lee of the South.

Most of this installment of the series is about Grant and Lee, and their battles to two had up and down Virginia. Then, after a very depressing segment about all the men suffering in the ever-growing number of hospitals, we get another profile of an important man in this war: General Sherman. With Grant stalled at Petersburg, Grant had to win in Tennessee and Georgia. Abe Lincoln predicts he will lose the election, perhaps by a landslide.
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