Doctor Who: The Invasion: Episode Five (1968)
Season 6, Episode 15
It's finally started to get going after a lengthy build up.
16 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who: The Invasion: Episode 5 starts as the Doctor (Patrick Troughton) & Jamie (Frazer Hines) discover that Tobias Vaughn (Kevin Stoney) is planning an invasion of Earth in partnership with the Cybermen who have been building up their presence on Earth for over a year ready to invade using the sewers as a hiding place. Vaughn has Major-General Rutlidge (Edward Dentith) under mind control & uses him to stop UNIT taking any action against him or International Electromatics, however Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart (Nicholas Courtney) decides to go over Rutlidge's head & to his superiors in Geneva but he doesn't have any concrete proof. Wanting to help Jamie, Zoe (Wendy Padbury) & Isobel (Sally Faulkner) decide to head into the sewers beneath London to take a photo of a Cyberman...

Episode 15 from season 6 this Doctor Who adventure originally aired here in the UK during November 1968 & after the missing Episodes 1 & 4 this & all the other subsequent Episodes of this eight part story exist in the archives, directed by Douglas Camfield The Invasion has suddenly come to life after a solid four episodes of padding & is finally getting to it's point. The script by Derrick Sherwin based on a story by Kit Pedler at last introduces the Cybermen & while they don't have much to do in this episode their appearance is appreciated & they are included in the cliffhanger ending to this episode. To be honest the main villain is Tobias Vaughn & he seems to be using the Cybermen for his own means rather than the other way around, there has been so much build up that we know the main character's quite well now & Vaughn is actually a great villain superbly played by Kevin Stoney. This has been the most entertaining part so far & the one which most resembles a typical Doctor Who episode, I thought it was pretty good but still not brilliant.

The Cybermen look great here & are surely the best Doctor Who monster, I love the design & the cold electronic voices which is something they stop using in later Cyberman stories as it was obvious they were guy's in helmets speaking rather than robots. There are some nice shots of the Cybermen in the London sewers here that would later be mirrored in Attack of the Cybermen (1985) from season 22. The sliding wall panel in Vaughn's office causes a problem here as it has a lot of trouble closing as it jerks & sticks! Also if that wall panel is hidden & the robotic light bulb thing is behind it why is the switch that opens this 'hidden' wall panel in the middle of the room on a control panel where everyone can see & use it?! I mean what if say a cleaner went into his office & accidentally pushed it while they were cleaning? Or if someone was in there & thought to themselves 'I wonder what this switch does?' & decided to find out?! I just seems odd to me that the switch for a secret wall panel would be so conspicuous. Back on knicker watch it's Zoe's turn again to flash her panties as she climbs down a sewer ladder with the camera placed under her looking up...

The Invasion: Episode 5 is probably the best episode yet & has some decent Cyberman action but the story as a whole just seems very padded & drawn out. Not a story to watch if you don't have patience.
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