Curse of the Devil
16 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Irineus Daninsky(Paul Naschy)and his men, crusading in the name of God, execute a group of Satanists and his ancestry are cursed by E Bathory as she is burned alive. The movie continues many years later as a descendant, Waldemar, kills a wolf which was actually a male member of gypsies who call upon the Devil(a man dressed in a black suit and gloves..quite a surreal sequence in a cave)to have sex in a cavernous worshiping lair swearing to torment him with a curse. A pretty one from their group seduces Waldemar later sprinkling some of her "infected" blood on the skull of a wolf's head pressing a nasty bite into his flesh. He is now to become a werewolf at the Full Moon always to terrorize innocents biting and slashing. A vicious ax-killer is also on the loose chopping up pretty ladies and beheads the satanic woman who accursed Waldemar with werewolf blood. The ax killer will also do battle with Waldemar in werewolf form. A family from Budapest set roots in a cottage nearby Waldemar. Waldemar falls in love with the older daughter of the Wilowa family who informs him she's pregnant with his child. Her jealous younger sister seduces Waldemar..at the wrong time, a night of the Full Moon, and becomes another in a growing line of werewolf victims. Soon many villagers(..and a traveling troupe camping nearby Waldemar's estate)are getting their throats slashed and faces ripped to shreds. By the end of the film, most of the film's cast are destroyed by Waldemar, in werewolf form.

Not too bad, I thought, as far as the series goes. Mixes the occult within the werewolf sub-genre for some interesting results. I think it would work a lot better if given a better soundtrack, in Spanish language with subtitles(truly terrible dubbing where it seems that those who spoke the dialogue had contempt for the material making this flick cheesy when it could be an more serious werewolf product), and had snappier pacing. But, this delivers on the gore..lots of bloody gaping throat wounds and facial tears. The werewolf even slams a huge stone across a victim's face! Also has a grisly scene towards the end as villagers decide to form a lynch-mob killing Waldemar's hired help and comrade with farm equipment. Beautiful location assists, especially at night where my favorite sequences seem to take place. Chock full of nude female flesh as well. Not as good as "Werewolf Shadow", but not the worst werewolf film I've seen.
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