Abyss look-alike or something...
26 August 2007
Back in '89, I was 8 yrs. old and living in a small town with no decent theaters, and *no* cable TV service. This left me with home video rentals as my only option ... and most of these were cheesy B-movies. But this one I do respect.

It is an Abyss look-alike (which curiously, I watched BEFORE Abyss) and back then I liked it a lot. In fact, so much that I taped it and still preserve the movie up to this day. Of course, watching it about 18 years later kind of made me look how bad it was, but it is still enjoyable. It feels kind of some weird mix of Abyss (underwater aliens), 2001 (killer computer), Aliens (megacorps and hidden interests) though looking like it was filmed with a budget on par with Turkish movies a-la "Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam".

Kind of good to watch, but only if you have lots of time to waste and really really like underwater movies.
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