Interesting Flick
28 August 2007
I ran into DB Sweeney at a bar a couple weekends ago. I told him I was a big fan of the Cutting Edge, for which I expected him to punch me, as I was obviously kidding. However, he was an extremely nice guy and very friendly. He told me about Dirt Nap and explained it as a sort of "red states Sideways." Well that was all I needed to hear. Luckily I know a few people in the business and was able to get a copy of the film. I enjoyed it immensely. To me, the quality of a film is determined by its character development, but more importantly the interpersonal dialogue/relationship among its main characters. I found Dirt Nap to be very strong in this regard and, as such, highly recommend it. Hopefully it will somebody get out in the mainstream so others, besides myself, can enjoy it as well. Kudos to the film, especially considering there just aren't many good ones out there anymore.
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