Squandered potential...
31 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There are four different films crammed into one uneven hodgepodge, here. The best of these is a beautifully shot meditation of Buddhism. Secondmost (if you ask me) would be the sometimes delightfully hilarious send-up of supernatural fright films (the scene where the skeleton of a resurrected bat tries to make a run for it but gets zapped by the hero is worth the price of admission: said bat makes for the exit, glancing nervously back over his shoulder as he goes... but, alas, the poor devil doesn't make it). Thirdly, we have a Muy Thai kick-boxer's tale of vengeance featuring "Bolo Yeung" (Yang Sze, who played the muscle-bound "Bolo" in ENTER THE DRAGON), the villain you love to hate. The last is the least of the four: a gut-wrenching, innards-munching movie that's guaranteed to up your chuck (unless you're made of sterner stuff than I). The first and second movies would've made for interesting viewing; the latter two I could've lived without.
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