Plane Nuts (1933)
I think I'd almost rather die than see this again!!!
1 September 2007
For those who hate The Three Stooges, this short film from their MGM days is about the worst thing they ever did and makes you long for the "sophistication" of their later days with Columbia Pictures! If you are a big fan, than unless you are insane, then this film will be a major disappointment, as the Stooges' humor isn't evident and the film is jam-packed full of stupid and awful dance numbers like you'd expect from Busby Berkely.

Now understand that until late in 1934, The Stooges were under contract at MGM and the studio had no idea what to do with them or their front man, Ted Healey. Oddly, they are cast as supporting players in the Gable-Crawford musical DANCING LADY (and Larry is cast as a piano player) and this short was an attempt to market them to the public. Unfortunately, the act just wasn't funny--either because their Vaudeville routine stank (I have no way to know this, as I never could have seen them on stage) or the MGM writers were idiots. Either way, it just isn't good as the Stooges and Healey just slap each other again and again with no finesse or energy or plot.

By the way, Healey was, according to books I have read, a huge jerk who insisted on top billing above HIS Stooges. He also supposedly treated them like they were replaceable and gave them a very small cut of the profits. If this is so, this would explain why they soon split and signed on at Columbia without him. Considering how annoying Healey was as a contract player through the 1930s after the breakup, I think Moe, Curly and Larry made an excellent move.

PS--In addition to this, the Stooges also made the awful short BIG IDEA with Healey at MGM. It's a tad better, but that's not saying much.
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