just plain bad
4 September 2007
If you can get past the horrid 80's hairstyles & clothing your next obstacle will be the horrid acting. If you've gotten past that and still find yourself watching you may make it to the midpoint of the film. The premise itself fails miserably for this medium. If it were allegorical it might have had half a chance. It's not as though it hasn't been done before in book form with moderate success (I believe bill myers wrote a pretty decent allegorical book of a modern day Jesus figure that was halfway readable titled 'Eli') but they should not have attempted to film the concept. If you can get past the improbability, bad acting & dated look then you might enjoy this film. Otherwise don't waste your time or money. There isn't much good Christian film out there but this one is so awful it doesn't even deserve the title 'film'!
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