Pretty darn scary and cool!
8 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As you may already be aware of that I am a fan of the first movie, but I got to admit that this second installment is even better then the first in several ways. First, the demon punks are even cooler then the zombie punks. Alexis Arquette who plays Tony Reno knows how to have fun while being evil, that's always cool. The demonic effects are cool. Now my complaint, they talk about how Jon kills the three punks electrocuting them, they even show it in the trailer, but why did they cut it out of the movie? I for a party of one think that is kind of important to the plot, that would be like cutting the train wreck from the first movie. Maybe they can put it back in some anniversary edition DVD or something. If you're reading this and own a DVD company, you might want to consider it. But other then that, I give Sometimes they come back again 9 STARS.
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