Disappearance (2002 TV Movie)
Desert Zombies
9 September 2007
**SPOILERS** "Disappearance" is a movie with a beginning middle and absolutely no ending. Were, the audience and cast, are jerked around for almost the entire film and when it comes for what were expecting in a surprise ending or big payoff that would ties all the loose ends in the movie together we get a town full of Zombies instead. Theses Zombies act and seem as if they were lobotomized by either aliens from outer space or a super secret agency of the US Government. The persons in the town, as well as those who visited it, of Two Wells were made to forget everything what they saw and knew about this rinky dink of a desert ghost town called Weaver Nevada.

Driving through the desert with his wife family and friend Jim Henely, Harry Hamlin, ends up taking a short cut that lands him & Co. in this out of the way ghost town called Weaver. It's not long that Jim realizes that he took a wrong turn with the town being deserted since 1948. It turned out that a neutron bomb was detonated outside of Weaver in September 1948 that wiped out the towns, or those who refused to leave, entire population.

If a neutron bomb wasn't enough for the audience, as well as Jim Henley and family & friend, to ponder were also given clues by a local jailed alcoholic Lester, Roger Newcombe, that the legendary Area 51 as well as American Indian ghosts from the past have a hand in the crazy goings on in and around Weaver. During the Henley's stay at Weaver Jim's wife Patty, Susan Dey, ends up falling down a mine shaft and Matt's Henley's, Jeremy Lelliott, friend Eathen,Jamie Croft, ends up getting lost in the desert right under the nose of Jim Henley.

These events, Patty's accident and Ethen's disappearance, in the end have nothing really to do with what's going on in the movie. They seem to have been put in to either confused the audience or pad the film to achieve for t an over 90 minutes running time. The movie's plot seems to be a cross between "The Hills have Eyes" and "Village of the Damned" with a lot of "Conspericey Theory" thrown in for good measure minus any kind of real or satisfying ending at all.

We almost get a hint of what's really going on in both Weaver and it's neighboring town Two Wells when little Kate Henely, Basia A'Hern, spots at a local Two Well's hamburger stand this waitress that she recognized to have been killed, in a video tape that was found in Weaver, some time ago. It's only later that it's revealed that whoever that waitress was she as well as the entire town of Two Wells ended up there against their will but why they did it's never explained!

The ending of the movie is a real mind-blower in that it purposely leaves it's audience up in the air to what was really going on. It gives you the impression that whatever was going on in the movie will keep happening as long a there's people traveling, like the bikers at the end of the film, through that God-forsaken town who will end up, unwillingly, becoming residents of Two Wells Nevada.
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