She's Too Young (2004 TV Movie)
Heart in the Right Place..
9 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Lifetime Network has turned into the "Afterschool Specials" network with a slightly larger budget and more seasoned actors. To me, 'She's Too Young' was along the lines of the old "Afterschool Specials" of teen problems of the day that need immediate attention of teens and parents.

This is an important subject with an important way of raising red flags to help people really communicate on the subject. While in this movie, there are quite a few misclassification of the subject, the film's heart IS in the right place. It needs to bring attention to the issue of teen sex ...and the real/life changing consequences thereof no matter how teens think they are 'doing it' or not.

A few important points of note that the film was trying to touch upon besides the introduction of "what is sex..?" and how that can spread diseases, etc., there is the point that "honor"/"straight A"/"morally religious" students should know better and don't engage in this behavior because they are smart enough to know better. That mothers being their daughters "best friend" instead of their mother helps them. That 'boys will be boys' (ahem - 'boys NEED to be boys') is the shrug-off of males for being more sexually active than of women who are automatically labeled as "fast". And the list goes on for this film is pointing on: Teens getting baited to do things by their peer group and then ostracized when something happens to them such as diseases/pregnancy/AIDS ... and so on.

What makes this film palatable are the actors, led by Marsha Gay Harden as a mother trying to help her 14 year old daughter after a one time sexual encounter which leaves her with syphilis. The perspectives of her daughter and those friends and families around this community are of those to watch. Reactions, decisions - and actions...which was appropriate to you, the viewer. Of course there is the typical lifetime movie cheesy drama to give the movie it's way but the actors did great with the material as given.

There's much to address on both sides of the situation: with parents and teens and this film touched upon much - which is the point - to get families to openly communicate with themselves about real life, real life situations. And that is what is the overall point of this film.
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