Review of From Venus

From Venus (2005)
by Vixens just for this!
13 September 2007
I can't help it. I'm a huge fan of those old schlock/cheese horror and sci fi films of old. There's just something wonderfully warm and delicious about then that can't be replicated today. At least that's what I thought. Having set through too many CGI'ed films over the last ten years I thought that my eyes had been ruined by the constant barrage of over the top special effects. I was jaded; nothing could impress me anymore. Every CGI'ed scene was supposed to make me stare at the wonder of it all. Instead, it became a boring litany of recycled ideas. Then I saw From Venus. It brought back all those memories of amazon women, space monsters, and stalwart heroes. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It's funny, cheesy, and charming, all at the same time. Frank and Russ remind me of every space ship captain I ever laughed at, and Yolan was the perfect mix of nefarious villain and goth geek. It's nice to know that there are others out there who worship at the same alter that I did. From Venus has restored my faith and opened my eyes
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