A Popeye 'Opera' With A Satisfying Ending
14 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This was another different type of Popeye cartoon that one only saw in the beginning years of Popeye, in which a song sometimes opened the story, like a Betty Boop cartoon.

Here, Popeye and Olive sing about "Barnacle Bill The Sailor. " Olive tells Popeye she can't marry him because she's in love with Barnacle Bill, so both sing different lyrics, depending on how they feel about "Bill." In later Popeye cartoons, our sailor wouldn't be singing upon hearing bad news like that. He'd get sad, depressed or violent, but he wouldn't sing about it.

Nonetheless, you know Popeye isn't going to take this lying down; he never does despite Olive being the most fickle woman in the history of the big screen.

A good portion of this is almost like an opera, sung to that "Barnacle Bil" tune, but it's a catchy song and has fun lyrics, depending on who's singing it. Bluto chimes in with his version. Like the other reviewers here, I enjoyed listening to it.

The ending is terrific, one of the best I've seen mainly because that fickle woman gets what she deserves!
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