Sooner or Later (1979 TV Movie)
Oh My GOSH!!!!
18 September 2007
Wow!!! I can't believe I found this movie on here. I LOVED this movie when it was on TV. I was around the same age as Jesse (I think I was in 7th grade?) and I still remember going to school after watching it the night before and all the girls in my class were buzzing about it. How cute Michael was etc. I was absolutely in love with Rex Harrison (Michael) in this movie. So much so that many years later I named my second son REX!!!! (He is almost 17 now and I can't wait to show him this) Thank you Thank you for listing it on here. It brings back fond youthful memories. Looking at the cover photo now after all these years makes me laugh. Look at that man's hair?!? What was I thinking?!? Did we look like that in the late 70's early 80's?!? LOL Shelly Age 41 Iowa
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