wartime rationing even affects the animal kingdom
19 September 2007
For years I've heard about WWII-era rationing, but I never would have suspected that such a funny cartoon could spring from it. Frank Tashlin's "I Got Plenty of Mutton" portrays a nearly starved wolf not allowed to eat meat due to rationing. He's reduced to cutting a pathetic little pea in half to eat. But when he reads about a sheepdog going off to fight in the war, he gets hungry for sheep. Only when he arrives there, it turns out that a ram named Killer Diller is guarding the sheep.

What's a wolf to do in this situation? Since this is a Warner Bros. cartoon, he dresses up as the sexiest ewe in history...which turns the ram into an ovine Pepe Le Pew. The next couple of minutes remind us that there are two definitions of wolf! One of the most interesting tricks that they use in this cartoon is that the wolf's home is located in what appears to be a bleak, midwinter setting. But the sheep are grazing in what appears to be a spring or even summer setting. Only a Looney Tunes cartoon would do that! There's even a completely inexplicable sight gag (early on involving a tree). But no matter how you look at it, this cartoon remains a timeless classic. It also brings to mind the fact that during WWII, we rationed many things, but during the so-called War on Terrorism, we don't ration anything (not even any tax increases).

Definitely on that you'll like.
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