Just awful--didn't May Robson deserve better than this drivel?!?
19 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a terrible film that I watched simply because it starred the usually wonderful May Robson. I loved her crusty persona in other films but here she seemed pretty obnoxious and I hated so many elements in the film due to very, very shoddy writing. In fact, the film was downright embarrassing to watch at times--particularly (yuck) when the President came to town (which was reminiscent of the very wretched Presidential scene in OF HUMAN HEARTS--another film undone by schmaltziness and poor writing).

In this film, Robson is the overly-involved but nice principal of a high school (where most of the kids look about 25 years-old). She seems to know every kid and it's obvious she cares, but at times she's so stubborn and blind that she gives everyone who dislikes her plenty of ammunition to say she's gone senile!! Her big crusade is to try to shut down the local malt shop because she KNOWS it's a den of sin! Surprisingly, late in the film she's able to prove this is so--where under-age drinking and gambling occur in a hidden back room. YET DESPITE THIS, the police don't prosecute! And, when Robson opens her own hangout for kids, jerks come in and deliberately start a riot and the new hangout is shut down by the authorities! This makes no sense at all--a fight in her store results in its closure, and yet gambling and drinking by minors is okay?!?! Come off it, this makes no sense at all.

Additionally to several places where the film makes no sense (proving the writing was done by hacks), the film also is terribly offensive and gross in its treatment of Blacks. While I am usually one to look past this in old films (since it was just a product of the times), seeing a moon-eyed Black student behaving like a walking stereotype was very sad indeed. This was particularly awful when the young man sees dice and immediately he begins salivating and jumping for joy--illustrating the hurtful stereotype that all Black man wanted to do was shoot Craps. Sad indeed.

Overall, there's little to commend this film despite an occasionally funny performance by Robson. By the way, a young Fred MacMurray is also in the film, but considering he wasn't given much to do and that the film sucked so badly...who cares?! A terribly dated and ridiculous film that just isn't worth your time.

Did I really say "sucked"?
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