Somebody gave this little film a 10?!
23 September 2007
Boris Karloff and Margaret Lindsay both play undercover agents, though until the very end it isn't possible to know exactly who was on which side during this film set in WWI. There is simply so much spying and counter-spying and double-agents that you almost need a scorecard to keep track of it all!

British INTELLIGENCE is a competent time-passer and not a whole lot more. Because of this, I was shocked to see that one of the reviewers on IMDb gave it a 10. Sure, I could see possibly scoring it a bit higher than I did--but a 10 for a film that is so slight and ordinary, I don't think so. My reasons for scoring it lower than the other reviewers are that the film just isn't all that exciting plus with Boris Karloff in the film I was hoping for something more. I know that making him a mad scientist here would have been silly, but I have come to enjoy his cheesier pictures and kind of missed this in this film! Instead, he's pretty good as is the rest of the picture, but that it all.
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