Elephants Dream (2006 Video)
While it has some flaws, this movie does exactly what it's supposed to do - and more.
25 September 2007
If it were to me, I wouldn't even put Elephant's dream on IMDb. Not because it's bad, but because it's barely a movie. It was intended as a tech demo of what Blender can do, and they succeeded 100% in that. Every single frame of this movie is amazing to see, and is full of amazing details. This is - by all standards - the best looking rendering I've ever seen in any movie. Even Pixar and Dreamworks aren't even getting close to the power of Elephant's dream.

If the developers wanted to make an actual movie with a perfect storyline, they wouldn't have spend so much time on all those details and making it look so good. A story for these kind of productions are usually just enough to give the whole thing some direction. However, we're dealing with a very deep story that really keeps you puzzled, yet makes absolute sense at the same time.

It is true that animation and perhaps lip syncing lacks at some points. But I have no problem with it, since it was never intended to be perfect. Look for example at Doom III for a comparison: it focuses on graphics and physics, which are awesome, but lacks any AI, decent level design and virtually nothing in the environment can be used by the player. Yet it was extremely popular. It's the same thing with Elephant's dream: it's a really well done tech demo, and even has an intriguing storyline. It has some flaws on the animation part, but it's barely noticeable when watching it on normal speed.

All in all, a very fine production, which really does what it was supposed to do, if not more.
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