Review of Devil's Den

Devil's Den (2006)
This is a movie?
30 September 2007
This is one of those movies where you wonder how anyone involved in it figured they had a good enough reason to make it.I mean if this weak mess can be a movie just about anything you could think up could be a movie too.

A couple of losers stop by a strip club in the middle of nowhere to test some Spanish fly they have just smuggled in from Mexico.Then all Hell breaks loose when the strippers get hungry for some meat.I swear that is the plot.I mean Spanish fly? So at this strip club out in the middle of nowhere you get the smugglers,a government agent ,an assassin and even a Samuri swordsmen who must fight off the horde of meat seeking strippers or 'ghouls' as they were called so we'd be sure to know they weren't vampires or werewolves,like it made a difference.Yeah it sounds bad and it was.

This whole movie was weak as water.The acting was terrible from most everyone except Ken Foree and even he couldn't overcome an awful script that was painfully bad most of the time.And the plot of this clunker was just horrid.The special effects consisted mainly of what looked to be generic Halloween masks and those rubber monster hands that sell for 3 bucks a pair at Big Lots.They couldn't even get the blood right--their fake blood was so dark it looked black.I mean who the hell can't get close to what blood is supposed to look like?Ken Foree,as the government agent, was wearing some of those thick joke glasses and what looked to be an oxygen cannula as his disguise.I guess whatever was laying around must have been cobbled together for the special effects.

One of the smugglers looked like a young Anthony Michael Hall and talked like Corey Feldman---try watching a movie with that combo platter.Truthfully the main reason I rented this DVD was the box promised lots of nudity and even that was a ripoff.The few breasts I saw were mostly on the ghoul chicks and even those were just quick glimpses.Even on stage the dancers were dancing clothed.Yeah some strip club.

I've seen some of the reviews saying this is a rip off of "From Dusk til Dawn" well it may be but "Dusk" wasn't very good either and "Dusk" itself ripped off several horror movies too.But I don't care who rips off who as long as the movie is good.This one wasn't even close to being good or even fair,it was totally a waste of time.I've saw some reviewers say that maybe this film was supposed to be quirky and funny instead of a straight horror film.Well if it is taken that way it is even a worse mess, I think, cause it sure wasn't funny in the least.

Even the blooper reel wasn't funny.The actors were being yelled at whenever they blew a line like each second of wasted film was cutting into the budget and for a moment you feel some pity for the unnamed rabble of actors who work in these awful low budget pictures.They aren't much different than somebody working at McBurger getting yelled at for getting behind during the lunch rush.Silly me, and I thought a blooper reel was supposed to be funny and lighthearted.

I always wonder after I see a crap fest like this who in the hell looks at a terrible script with a nonexistent plot and lousy special effects and a bunch of scene chewing actors and says " I see a movie here !" Like I said if this can be a movie any half-assed idea you can think of that involves a few rubber masks can be a movie too.
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