Ryan vs. Dorkman (2003 Video)
Effective, simple and enjoyable fan film
1 October 2007
In an enclosed facility, Ryan Wieber and Michael "Dorkman" Scott face off against one another in a light-sabre battle to the death.

Having watched the sequel before this one I was wondering what it would deliver that I had not already seen and the answer was, well not a great deal actually. This sounds a little like a criticism but really it is not because I enjoyed the frantic delivery of the second film and this is what this one does as well. It is not as amusing as the second film but it does have a stronger (if unexplained) ending that is punchier than the kick of the sequel.

The special effects are good but it is the direction and choreography of the fight sequences that impressed me more. They were frantic and edited together in such a way that they felt exciting and frantic. The makers may have respectful to George Lucas in their messages and attempts to avoid being sued, but really Lucas should at least have a bit of shame when he sees this and realises that it is not massive budgets and never-ending special effects that make for a good light-sabre battle (Star Wars III really convinced me that he has lost this awareness in all his excess).

Overall then an impacting and enjoyable fan film. It doesn't knock itself out in the story department but it has good effects and is an impressively delivery fight scene that the films proper don't have enough of.
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