Astounding movie that exceeds expectations
2 October 2007
I've liked Forest Whitaker's work for a while, and I'm a kung-fu fan, so when I saw this movie for rent, it sounded like it was worth the $ based on it's title and Forest in the lead role. However, I hadn't heard anything about this movie so didn't feel an urge to watch it, so it sat in my apartment unwatched for a while. One Sunday, with rain pelting down outside and nothing on TV, I decided to put it on.

I wasn't sure what the movie was about, I was kind of expecting a dull story peppered with Hong Kong style action scenes, but what I got was a great story beautifully told, superb acting from Forest, a great support cast, bad ass soundtrack, and a little bit of education on life too. I don;t want to give anything away, for this move I think, like me, you should go in blind a free of preconceptions, but just know it's a mixture of genres that works really well, and the insights into the life and thoughts of a Samurai are awe inspiring, the intelligence and clearness of thought, and outlooks on life are amazing.

This movie really blew me away, it wasn't what I was expecting at all, I was glued from start to finish, and when it was over, I just sat in silence, mesmerised about what a great movie I'd just had the pleasure to see. I've been telling everyone about it since. It's awesome.
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