The Gorilla (1939)
The Marx Brothers They AIN'T! The Marx Brothers They AIN'T!
3 October 2007
I had gotten the impression from a fellow Marx Brothers fan that the Ritz Brothers also were funny, that "if like like the Marx Brothers, you'll like these guys, too."

Are you kidding? The Ritz Brothers aren't even close to the MB in humor and entertainment. These guys were not funny; just stupid. I know humor was different back in the late 1930s, but this was just plain dumb. Maybe the Ritz's are an acquired taste.

With a story that involves detectives battling sinister characters, an ape who had escaped from a carnival, secret passageways and hidden doors-in-walls in a haunted-type house environment, etc., this should have been a really funny and entertaining movie.....but these guys just aren't funny. They botched it up. The Marx Brothers, or the The Three Stooges, would have made this story hilarious.
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