Review of Perinbaba

Perinbaba (1985)
Simply Beautiful
6 October 2007
Here's a seemingly simple fairy tale movie that's palpably beautiful on every level -- visually,emotionally, and as an unfettered act of imagination.

Giulietta Masina is the Feather Fairy (Perinbaba), a grandmotherly character whose role is to provide snow for the world. Her interactions with the young boy are loving and ripe with wisdom and compassion. She is played physically by Federico Fellini's wife, and vocally by a talented Slovak actress. Her voice-over ability to define the character is no less powerful than Masina's, so that the role is a brilliant and seamless collaboration.

The film is gorgeous to watch, thanks to the spectacular Slovak mountain landscape location, and the straightforward beauty of white feathers seen floating against a sunny deep-blue sky.
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