money, tears, public speaking, but who pulls the strings?
7 October 2007
As a 25 year old westerner I feel really bad for the sibling-less kids of China post 1979; such an intense, strict and oh so serious upbringing! But it was good to see these kids still know how to have a bit of fun some of the time - alternating between deliberately making people cry - to dancing about like a crazy loon.

After finishing watching this just now, my first thought was "who produced this?" was it the Chinese government trying to show democracy as a bad/flawed idea, or pro-westerners trying to say "yeah man, you DO need democracy now!"....

in the end it doesn't really matter as the film can equally discount or credit either argument.

It is a surprisingly honest and intimate doco; quite cleanly played out (not editorialized). Just like in most elections, the good guy you hope and would really love to see win; gets done over by the political machinations of the more cut=throat dodgier candidate - as is sadly too often the case in real world politics.

Make a bet with whoever you watch this with in the first 20 minutes as to who you think will win, you might be surprised!

This had me from the first minute until the last credits rolled, good film, nuff said.
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