Review of Final Draft

Final Draft (2007)
Now who wrote me out of my own script?
10 October 2007
A depressed writer (with some inevitable personal problems dictated by the Universal Movie Law) strives to complete a screenplay and has himself locked up in his flat above a garage by an actor friend. Needless to say, writer's block hits him hard and the characters from his past - wife, school bully, deceased brother and a Stephenkingesque 'clown after sundown' among others - jump at the chance to perform their hallucinative act to the poor man on the brink of sanity.

With nothing too brilliant or original to flag, this cheapie still provides some frights and might evoke some thoughts if you happen to be the thinking type. The main character is likable enough to keep the interest in his downhill life alive, but it still is a one man film about a one man's story, and if the inner struggles of a writer in a block don't make your heart beat double pace, you'll regrettably find this film to be a very slow moving, somewhat predictable and repetitious. At times it's also a bit complicated, as the multi-leveled past comes alive in random samples through the writer's hallucinations.

As indie flicks go, this one is quite neat and worthy a look. The problem is, all this has been done before, better and with much, much more money in the budget.
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