Transformers (2007)
Hold your horses people, this has not lived up to the hype
14 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
OK, OK, can all the fanboys just get a hold of themselves for a second and not overhype this movie and give it a high rating on here.

Now, I was an 80's child, so I understand all the nostalgia and was a fan of the cartoon series, so yes I was eagerly anticipating this, and the trailer did rock, and rock hard, and promised so much.

One thing the trailer didn't do was let on that the Transformers spoke and had moving lips, of which there was much debate during production on whether the transformers should have lips or not. They plumped with should, when hindsight shows they shouldn't.

The movie starts nice enough, and Shia is definitely watchable and likable and the introduction to Bumblee is nice enough, if a little cheesy with the whole music thing. The problem though is that it then quickly turns into some sort of comedic farce movie, I mean once all the Transformers reveal themselves to Shia's character, it's a bit of a joke, especially that whole homeboy street routine for Frenzy, WTF man, way to be stereotypical. And the whole hiding from the Mom & Dad routine? They're four 20ft robots, and the ground shakes when they walk, how did the parents NOT notice them, come on man!

The whole plot is pretty weak, mystic talisman, maps on ancient glasses? And John Turturro, I love you brother, but what the hell do you call that, acting? Were you deliberately trying to get a Razzie nomination?

Some of the set pieces are nice, Scorponocks entry particularly, but the main problem is that the action scenes are so fast and dizzying, you don't really get a chance to check out the cool transformation from car to Bumblebee, or truck to Optimus or whatever, it's really just a blur, when it's actually the coolest bit. The intro's to the fight scenes are pretty cool with their whole rock music kick off, but then the actions is so fast you're not sure whose hitting who with what and where, it's just a big mangled mesh of metal.

I left this movie really disappointed, it doesn't live up to the hype, or even it's own trailer, I mean the movie makers have really just dumbed down the whole thing, and I guess it's a double whammy of disappointment because I remember the cartoons fondly, and they even taught about life and values, I remember the cartoons had morals to every story and a lesson on life in every episode, but this movie doesn't say squat, so it makes me think maybe the cartoons I enjoyed so much in the 80's weren't that good afterall?
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