David Frost Presents: How to Irritate People (1969)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Before the Flying Circus, there was this... and I think we can all agree that John Cleese knows how to be irritating
18 October 2007
Before the Flying Circus, before the movies, before the Python team was complete, they put together this... well, half or so of them, did, anyway. This is a series of sketches(more than one of which were later re-done on the show) all based around the concept that the title describes. Cleese has Chapman and Palin with him, and they manage to put a lot of good skits on the screen. It's not as refined and well-done as the show and the movies, but it's a good look at the Pythons roots(and what admirable roots, at that). It runs for an hour and less than ten minutes, and it does so quite smoothly. The jokes are never far away, and some of them are utterly hilarious. The pacing is pretty much spot-on, if some skits perhaps go on for longer than they ought to. The material never feels tired or bland(if some of it is overused). The performances are energetic, enthusiastic and just plain *work*. It's not as far-out and bizarre as the show and the movies are, but it's still satisfying and entertaining. The bits are all different, and this has the first appearance by(and the spoken definition of, coining that as their name) "pepperpots", who would be seen countless times on the Circus. The whole production is presented as a documentary with Cleese as the host, introducing each segment and occasionally making jokes in-between them. For any fan of the team, I would say that this is worth the hour. I recommend this to any fan of the Pythons, Cleese and British comedy in general. 7/10
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