Grim with a capital "G" and not a patch on "The Last Horror Movie"
23 October 2007
While "The Great American Snuff Film" fails to really engage the viewer in the same way as "The Last Horror Movie", it's not an entirely wasted exercise. Treading similar ground to "Scrapbook", the film provides an insight into a serial killer's mind. Here, the narrator is accompanied by his "trusty" sidekick and we see the two engage in all sorts of warped activities.

The female actors of the film, Melinda Lorenz and Holi Tavernier, are convincing victims and evoke sympathy from the viewer. Their confinement and subsequent treatment is difficult to watch and quite realistic.

Despite some strong performances and an effective soundtrack, this film offers nothing new. It fails to bring anything to the genre and other films are simply more effective in their treatment of the subject matter.

5 out of 10. It's not as bad as some would make out but it's no "Henry".
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