Review of Final

Final (2001)
Sci-fi rolled in a Soap Opera wrap
29 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In trying to "humanize" the story, unprofessional behavior takes place between a couple of the key psychiatrists, in small as well as large occurrences, that remind one of soap opera reality: 'emotionality as a substitute for dramaturgy.

Too, the difficulties filming science-fiction cheaply are having visual loose ends take place that imaginative (or merely competent) directors take care of as a matter of course because of budget largess. Sci-fi writers are obsessive and brilliant and cannot brook 'loose ends'; if a story includes observable 'state' surveillance everywhere, for example, then between production design and computer effects, you will see it on the screen. "Final's" budget shortcomings unfortunately prevail and sink the story's need for a airtight, highly controlled production design. Emphasis on the word controlled. With the possibility of human survival at stake, would there not be complete surveillance of what's taking place.....everywhere in the facility, since there are only two unfrozen humans available? Security was highly negligent throughout the institution.

I also wondered why they would cast an actor such as Dennis Leary? His personality is so abrasive and unlikable. Bill doesn't have to be a dullard but he shouldn't alienate the viewer. Goodness, once his eminent demise was spoken of I on several occasions wished the toxins would start dripping into an IV. (Hope Davis's Dr. Ann at least showed some human attractiveness within her quandary about participating in the harvesting of this guy's body for medical science and/or the race's survival.)

Five stars because some of the story's main and imaginative ideas survived to keep me interested.
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