Britz (2007– )
AWFUL 2 part drama weak full of holes. What were you thinking Riz Ahmed?
31 October 2007
What the hell were you doing staring in a Television Drama that is so weak in narrative structure that i honestly thought i was watching an episode of East Enders.

What the hell does the director Peter Kosminsky know about being this topic? On reading an article about the director what does he know about British Muslims???

"British Muslims are fantastically angry and disillusioned," he says. "They are infuriated by a foreign policy that appears to be an attack on Muslims worldwide – a new Crusade – and a shockingly large series of security measures which seem to be aimed solely at them."

The man that is saying these words is white, Jewish, privately educated and in his fifties. He is drinking tea at his beautiful cottage in the Wiltshire countryside. Yet he is trying to describe how a young, moderate medical student from Leeds could become so outraged by what is happening around her that she is willing to strap on explosives. This is just so weak, Its an excuse for C4 to pretend that they are covering controversial topics regarding stories about post 911 yet they are still are made by white middle class film-makers? If C4 were insistent in employing a white director why didn't they let Michael Winterbottom make this film He would of clearly done a better job.

The character for Nasima was totally outrageous and unbelievable Yet Kosminsky insists her motives are fact. Kosminsky also states that he knows a lot of people will be angry! You have got that right we are angry because it was such a weak story and by far this is radical drama.

I am also disappointed by Riz Ahmed, your performance was good, but what were you doing working on such a weak premise ,that is only exploiting and sensationalising Radical Islam. A complete farce.

Riz if your reading this i suggest you next time pick your film projects wisely. As there will be a number of British Muslims that will feel that you have let them down

1- 10 a disappointment! I suggest C4 begin to employ the next generation of British Pakistani's & British Muslim writer & directors who would paint a more realistic picture behind a story which needs authentic voices. Not White Middle Class film directors that have just jumped on the bandwagon. Its about time we hear the real voices of British Pakistani Muslims for a change.

Shame on you C4!
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