Review of The Wedding

Samantha Who?: The Wedding (2007)
Season 1, Episode 3
The Wedding is another funny episode of "Samantha Who?"
2 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
After listening to her phone messages in which everyone seems to have an ax to grind against the bad old Samantha, Samantha records a new message shouting, "I'm sorrrryyyyy!" as her new phone recording intro. Her old friend Dena and ex-boyfriend Todd have overheard her and seem to accept her new self. As she takes Dena through the apartment, the doorman gives Samantha a bridesmaid dress. She takes this as evidence that someone from her former life liked her. Finding out the wedding is today she invites her parents and Dena to stay at the hotel it takes place in. She's surprised to see Todd and her co-worker friend Andrea also there. Todd's the photographer Sam helped get hired and Andrea was introduced to the bride's family by her. When the bride arrives throwing a drink Sam's way, she also says, "Get that bitch out of here!" It turns out Sam alienated her when she took a betting pool with other bridesmaids on how long the marriage will last. Sam almost leaves but Dena convinces her to stay and apologize. As Sam convinces her former bride friend to listen for at least a minute, Todd takes pictures as the two make up. Unfortunately, she ditches Dena. Then when she sees the bride coming out of a room with someone else playfully hitting her butt, Sam remembers her bad self past in which she convinces her bride friend at a bachelorette party to cheat on the day of her engagement. So when she does a toast, Sam mentions how one should forgive whatever impulses come what may exposing everyone on various lies and deceptions. Sam's now looking for Dena so she can leave with her but Dena left after feeling rejected again by Sam. She dances with Todd before groveling at Dena's window...Among some of the touches I loved from this episode was Dena's attempts to bond with Todd like when she mentions a mean gift shop guy they remember from Sam's hospital stay. "Good times," she says. Or kissing Todd when drunk after telling what a good guy he is compared to Sam. Nice to see Todd still having some feelings for Sam as they dance at the reception and his indecisiveness on whether to delete or keep any wedding pictures of Sam on his computer. And Sam's parents are hilariously playful in their hotel scenes. Another good episode of "Samantha Who?" Glad the series is doing so well.
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