Review of Ring 2

Ring 2 (1999)
A Case Of Atmosphere Over Coherent Content
12 November 2007
Just recently, I was the 376th person on the IMDb to review the 1998 Japanese horror classic "Ringu"; a day later, and I am now #78 to review the sequel to that film, "Ringu 2" (1999). This disparity in numbers surprises me, as it's hard for me to believe that any viewer who saw the original film would not want to know more about Sadako, the lank-haired ghost girl who kills via videotape. However, although we DO learn more about this fascinating character in "Ringu 2," and get some plot points cleared up, this sequel proved something of an anticlimax for me, and raised more questions than it explained. The original "Ringu" is a truly scary film, with great, ominous atmosphere and at least one classic horror sequence (that TV crawl-through). The sequel picks up precisely where the original left off, but is somehow not as creepy, centering on one of the minor characters of the original (the very pretty Miki Nakatani) and on police and scientific investigations into the Sadako phenomenon. The movie indulges in strangeness for the sake of strangeness, logic be damned, with the Sadako curse now affecting even those who haven't "gone to the videotape," and features psychic manifestations and assorted spectral mishegas thicker than a bowl of soba noodles. It's a case of atmosphere over coherent content, but man, what atmosphere! Still, I dare anyone to explain those final 15 minutes to me, as we go back into that darn well. The movie is a fascinating one, although it sure does leave one scratching the ol' noggin. Guess we'll have to proceed on to "Ringu 0" for some additional explication...
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