Another weird documentary from Herzog...
15 November 2007
This is a documentary about a reverend attempting to raise money for his church in 8+ hour long TV shows that are - to put it softly - out of the ordinary. If you've seen Herzog movies before, you know more or less what to expect: A weird atmosphere, a quite crazy character whom you'll still sympathize with, subtle strange and disturbing things happening all along, and when it all ends you find your eyes are slightly crossed and your mind very bent.

You'll see something not very unlike the insane "dancing chicken" ending of Stroszek and the interview with Grizzly Man's parents. There is also some absolutely amazing Hammond organ backed music here, live from the TV show - with some exceptionally passionate singers that will give you chills, one way or another! Herzog's choice of music is as always utterly fascinating - just like the rest of the movie.

Herzog fans can't miss this. If you don't know who the hell Herzog is, go see Grizzly Man - and return to this documentary once you're hooked.
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